Tarot Weekly Reading 14 June to 21 June 2021

By Roop Lakhani - 12:18:00

What are you celebrating this week?   

With the Four of Wands, this week is sure to be one of joyful celebration, blissful happiness, and appreciation for the good things in life, some party, some friends gathering, people returning home?

I am celebrating my birthday and my friends are coming over to make it more happening.

What are you waiting for? Make time to celebrate with those you love most. Relax and let your stress go down – enjoy this special time together! Bring some special moments and memories that you would like to remember

Make sure you feel supported and secured in loved ones company. Bless your job which is giving you money and you doing well, putting your best efforts. Bless your work activities whether business, profession, domestic chores or anytging. Be in harmony with people around, you are here because of the people you are surrounded and supported with. Be blessed knowing you’re with those who love and care about you.

May be you have worked years and years, but the time has come for celebration. After a period of too much work, your rapid growth and expansion, it’s time to pause and celebrate what you have achieved so far. Step back for a moment and enjoy the present moment rather than waiting for joy to come in future. It is the journey which calls for celebration and not the destination. May it be your finacial goals, personal goals, health goals, relationship goals, fitness goals, weightloss goals, travel goals or project goals, whatever are your goals, just pause and check, are you enjoying doing what you are doing, check, pause, self reflect and get your answers, but don't forget to enjoy.

Ask Your Self: What am I celebrating this week? What can I do to celebrate this week? What am I not doing to really celebrate my life? What if I change it to celebrate. How would be my life like?

Roop Lakhani
Tarot card Reader and Tarot Coach
E roop@tarotfuture.com
www tarotfuture.com

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