21 Dec, 2020,World in our hand

By Roop Lakhani - 11:51:00

21 Dec 2020, is this World's Shift Day?

21 Dec 2020 addds to number 10 that is ruled by the planet Sun.. Sun is the planet with life force and it gives life to people, it gives optimism and sunshine in our lives. Many dates will total to number 1, but what is special about this date? The world is in our hand.

This date is special as Jupiter and Saturn is conjunction at 0 degree, especially after 14 Dec 2020 solar eclipse.  Jupiter is a planet of Dharma and Saturn is planet of karma.. when they are together, Dharma and Karma will merge with each other, means new beginnings will happen with new enlightenment, although it can come initially with some difficult period. Old outdated patterns will be pushed away and new patterns will emerge. Politics, governement and countries all is shifting it's patterns, some drastic steps may also happen to create the shift, some warfront may also happen, but in the end the truth will emerge. 

Karma is Dharma in ACTION. The direct impact we have on each other is through our thoughts, words, and deeds which ultimately carves the path we are destined to follow. We are born with 3 chakra energy centers of materialistic aspects ( root, sacral plexus and solar plexus) and 3 chakras of spiritualitic aspects( Thorat, third eye and crown) where the heart chakra is in center. Means we need to balance ourselves with help of our heart's pure feelings and pure intentions.

One event causes another and  yesterday's decisions create your present circumstance and your present will create your future.

We often attach "good" and "bad", "pleasant" and "unpleasant" and store it our subconscious mind, sometimes in right folders and sometimes in wrong. The stored files play a role in creating recurring patterns of the present and future. 

Now you may ask, why evil people are not paid their karmas?  While we don't know but karma spans entire lifespans and lifetimes, and therefore cannot be limited to isolated and specific events in certain period of time. The time has come to know what is positive and negative, what is good and bad. The time has come to right karmas 

Is it human nature to feel dissatisfied? 
The perpetual cycle of karma is the result of making choices based on desires leading to attachments. And attcahments leads to suffering n pain,causing discontent and attachment also creates greed and lust too, causing selfish and devious activities. 

But the argument can be right, that attachment also leads to ambition and inspiration to reach your materialistic goals. It creates that fire and glue to get what you want.

So what should be done? 
Perhaps both sides contain certain elements of the truth; the answer is, achieving balance between acting towards the good of self and the good of others we can sustain life. By being resilient we can treat ourselves and others well, making a world to live in a better place.

How to be there?
The ability to remain present in the moment despite the urge to look toward the future reveals that in the here and now, peace exists. After all, as long as the breath flows and life continues, we should have no worries or anxieties,no past baggage and no future loads.

In order to manifest happiness, one must practice selfless service, kind act and purity of intentions to help others, practicing compassion allows us to perform our dharma, transcend sanskaras, and ultimately know peace within the self and within the community.

Is the coming period going to be difficult? Yes for every breakthrough period, first comes breakdown, preapring you for breakthrough. It will be difficult, but it also comes to sharpen you, to show you your inner brilliance within you and be there to guide you with right knowledge to make you feel light..

Of course, this does not mean that we will not face daily mental, emotional, fiancial and physical challenges. It will be there on daily basis. But we will learn PEA, patience, endurance, and acceptance, that provides lessons in letting go of attachments which cause suffering and pain, leading to joy and frerdom. 

We also would learn how to embrace spiritualitic activities to balance with materialistic activities. As we align with higher awareness, we discover a fulfilled and whole sense of self in ourselves, that makes us whole and complete. Believe in your values, believe in your highest truth. The coming 18 years is creating a better world with our highest pure selves, creating a shift. 

I being a Redikall consciousness practitioner, I suggest doing chanting.

Here are some of the Powerful Redikall Statements designed for the greater good of humanity and the planet earth. It would be great if all of us could recite them 7 times each.

Redikall Consciousness is purifying, energizing, completing, grounding, and protecting our Self care.

Redikall Consciousness is purifying, energizing, completing, grounding, and protecting our intentions for caring for others.

Redikall Consciousness is purifying, energizing, completing, grounding, and protecting our dharma and karmas.

Redikall Consciousness is purifying, energizing, completing, grounding, and protecting our way of thinking and feeling.

Redikall Consciousness is purifying, energizing, completing, grounding, and protecting our way of appropriate actions

Redikall Consciousness is purifying, energizing, completing, grounding, and protecting peace and bliss.

Redikall Consciousness is purifying, energizing, completing, grounding, and protecting harmony and cooperation.

Redikall Consciousness is purifying, energizing, completing, grounding, and protecting well-being of all

Redikall Consciousness is purifying, energizing, completing, grounding, and protecting compassionate and pure souls.

Redikall Consciousness is purifying, energizing, completing, grounding, and protecting our country.

Redikall Consciousness is purifying, energizing, completing, grounding, and protecting our planet.

Redikall Consciousness is purifying, energizing, completing, grounding, and protecting our Universe.

With much love and gratitude,
Roop Lakhani
www rooplakhani.co.in

Pic credit Pixabay downlaod

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