KISS message (Keep It Short and Simple)

By Roop Lakhani - 12:05:00

The ganesh chaturthi festival is approaching soon, people are getting ready to welcome lord ganesha at home, doing all preparations to welcome him and have a desire to receive blessings from God.

A thought crossed my mind, how many blessings can we give it to our ownselves and also to our loved ones. We may not stop here with loved ones but we may give it to even strangers. The biggest blessings can be love respect, care, compassion, honesty. 

The biggest blessings we can give to ourselves is keeping ourselves happy and peaceful. And for keeping ourselves happy we need to find worth within ourselves, so that you feel full inside you as a worthy person.

The least we can do is practice this mantra, 'bless me, bless my loved ones, bless my work, bless my money, bless my health, bless my relations, and say, bless you' to whoever comes in contact and see the magic of blessings coming to you.

May you discover the blessing from within yourself

Roop Lakhani

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