What is your delusion story
By Roop Lakhani - 14:13:00
What is your delusion story?
For me it was, 'I can never be an author', 'I can never write a book'.. and I am out of this delusion. I have published my book, 'Nine untold truths about Heart's Intelligence - unlocking the wisdom within.'
Have you ever had a moment where you realized something you believed for years wasn’t actually true? Maybe you thought you weren’t good enough, that success was out of reach, or that you had to put everyone else’s needs before your own. And then—one day—you saw through it. Maybe it was a conversation, a book, a life experience, or just an inner whisper that made you pause and say, Wait… what if I’ve been wrong about this?
Isn’t it amazing how freeing that realization can be?
We often think that gaining knowledge—learning new truths—makes us wiser. And yes, it does. But what if wisdom is more about unlearning than learning? What if real growth isn’t just about adding truths to our minds but about removing the illusions, conditioning, and false narratives that have kept us small?
Think about a time when you let go of a belief that wasn’t serving you. Maybe you thought you had to be perfect to be loved. Or that success meant following a rigid, predefined path. Maybe you believed that speaking your truth would push people away, only to realize that authenticity actually drew the right people closer.
What happened when you let go of that belief? How did it change you?
The truth is, false beliefs act like fog—they cloud our vision, making it harder to see reality clearly. And the moment we clear that fog, the world looks different. We feel different. It’s not that we suddenly "get wiser" by collecting more facts—it’s that we become lighter, freer, and more aligned with what has been true all along.
So, what might be one delusion you’re still holding onto?
What belief have you accepted as "just the way things are," when in reality, it’s just a story you’ve been told?
And what would happen if you questioned it?
Because here’s the thing—getting rid of a delusion is not just about seeing the truth. It’s about reclaiming your power. It’s about stepping out of limitations you didn’t even realize were there. It’s about choosing you over the outdated programming that no longer fits.
What if your next big breakthrough isn’t about learning something new—but about letting go of something old?
I let gone my belief, I can't write a book. What about you?
Would love to hear your thoughts on this. What’s one belief you’ve let go of that changed your life? And what’s one you might be ready to question next?
To your reality check,
Roop Lakhani
www. rooplakhani.com
www. rooplakhani.co.in