Some Habits Are Good - Take opportunity

By Roop Lakhani - 10:14:00

Some Habits Are Good
*Take every opportunity life presents or create your own*

There is no such thing as perfect timing, something won't be perfect for that next big step in your life, either people or sitiations. But that shouldn’t hold you back from reaching to meet your goals and dreams. Instead, seize the moment because it may never come back.

Wouldn’t you like to experience more, earn more money, or live a greater fulfilled life, or simply be happier? We all want that, but aren’t necessarily ready to take the risks by ourselves. Sometimes we haven’t even thought about doing something until someone or something prompts us, pushes us, guides us.

That prompt initiates the spark of an idea in our heads, insights in our head that creates excitement. Sometimes it can take months to gather the courage to go for it, and sometimes it is only a matter of seconds. And when it takes a second, it is creating a moment of Eureka.

By taking opportunities you can change your wondering to knowing. You can feel at ease knowing that you at least tried, knowing that you at least took the chance at the opportunity – not knowing what the outcome may be.

*Roop Lakhani*

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