"Life unfolds beautifully for people who are ready to change their perspective lens." - Roop Lakhani
Relationship has its own ups and downs. Certain disputes and differenecs are never resolved. Certain helpless and hopeless feelings never go. Certain hatred, certain upsetness and certain sadness never goes. Do you know why? What can be few of the reason? Perception. Interpretation. Attitude. Mindset. Vibration. Thinking.
Changes are not easy. Changing others is never easy.
What are you waiting for? Time, people or situation to change?
The Hindu Calendar year is changing soon. It is time to create change. It is time to be your own LIGHT. Get your Higher Awareness Start.
Ask for Reading, Healing, Coaching. Counselling, I am there to support you in your higher vibrational journey
😇💡💥Roop Lakhani
😇💡 ⭐_Consultant, Counselor, Coach, Healer_
🔮⭐ _*Empowering and awakening you*_