#Healing #Session...Healing your Inner Child

By Roop Lakhani - 08:30:00

Are you emotionally wounded? 
It is called as inner child.

-You feel that there is something wrong with you, in the deepest parts of yourself. You are having some guilt of doing even right things as if wrong.

-You experience anxiety when going out of your comfort zone. You feel you have to prepare much before to what you have to speak

-You’re a people-pleaser. You cannot say no to people when you have to say no, instead you say yes and you do what others say.

-You don’t have a strong sense of identity. Your self esteem is low. Your confidence level is low.

-You deliberately like being in conflict with people around you. You have indecisive mind or pending long conflicting situations.

-You’re a hoarder of things, emotions, people, and you have a hard time letting go. You may have carried lots from past which is like baggage and you are resentful.

-You feel inadequate as a man or a woman. You compare yourself with others consciously or unconsciously.

-You constantly criticize yourself for your supposed inadequacy. You also regret or blame others for your situations.

-You’re unforgiving to yourself, as you may carry lots which is not necessary you become rigid in certain ways. You may be perfectionist or controlling lots of stuff as if you are supposed to do in that manner.

-You have a hard time trusting others. You may doubt often and double check if truth is spoken.

-You have deep abandonment issues and would cling to relationships, even when they are toxic. You would be in situations where you don't feel happy and you also feel in same situations to get out of that but you are scared.

If you agree to all above than you are living with your inner child which never lets you have freedom to enjoy present. How about resolving these Inner Child issues?  Call me on +91 98216 12031 to book your Healing Session.

Healing for Wellbeing Contact
Consultant, Trainer, Spiritual Healer
Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops 

Mob: +91 98216 12031 
Email- roop@tarotfuture.com
Blog: www.RoopLakhani.co.in

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