#Healing #Session... DNA Patterns

By Roop Lakhani - 08:30:00

Healing Session by Roop Lakhani

Do you wish to change Deep Rooted stuck DNA Patterns of yours?

All the genetic information like Looks, Hair Quality & Colour, Body Colour, Emotional patterns and way of thinking entirely depends on our DNA Patterns.

Decision power, Adoption of parental/ancestral habits, pre-assumption of the situation which has *No Existence* in present, all depends on our DNA Patterns.

Fear, Anxiety, Failure, Lack of abundance, Struggle, Hard work, Low   Energy, Doubt, Loneliness, Incomplete Feeling, Hereditary disease all depends on our DNA Patterns,

YES all these deep rooted  DNA Patterns stops us to progress and achieve with confidence in life, but with the help of  conscious mind and subconscious reprogramming we can change these stuck patterns and  activate our DNA for Prosperity and Abundance. 
Call me on +91 98216 12031 to book your 60 minute Healing Session.

Healing for Wellbeing Contact
Consultant, Trainer, Spiritual Healer
Tarot - Numerology - Vastu - Business Card Consultancy - Raising Confidence & Vibrations for Finance, health & Relations - Inner Child or Past Issues - Mind Emotional Coaching - Healing - Workshops 

Mob: +91 98216 12031 
Email- roop@tarotfuture.com
Blog: www.RoopLakhani.co.in

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