Coorg Memories... A very romantic full of breathtaking nature hill station in South of India. Famous for tea estates. Flowers brings out my best smile full of happiness. Today's Mindseed 👇🏼 If you agree n affirm, show ❤ ✈ Follow me @rooplakhani 🇮🇳 🔔 Check my daily Post for sure. 🙋 Turn on post notification. 😍 Have a wonderfully affirming day friends. ~ ~ ~ Tag Section. 🥇 #tarotcardreadings #tarotworkshop #tarotcardreadings #tarot #spiritualhealer #energyhealer #healers #beinghappy #me #iloveme #livelifetothefullest #healer #livelifehappy #coorg #happiness #rooplakhani
By Roop Lakhani - 06:53:00